Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority

Should I Buy That Two – Family House?

Some people purchase a two – family house, because, they hope to live, in one apartment, and rent the other, in order to significantly reduce their cost of living! While, this is a great solution, for some, it is not for everyone. For some, they need more privacy, and/ or, don’t want the responsibilities involved, in being a landlord.

How to Speak With a Seller When Buying a House

Having a serious conversation with another human being is not necessarily easy, especially if you don’t already know the other person. This can be especially difficult if you’re used to working alone in a closed environment like an office or factory. And the ultimate difficulty comes when you’re not confident about your side of the conversation.

Economic Considerations Of Purchasing Smaller Investment Properties

While most larger, real estate developers, consider the Return on Investment, or ROI, before commiting to a specific project, in many cases, those purchasing smaller, investment properties, often, seem, to fail, to do so, with the same degree of attention and focus. For the purposes of this article, this will refer to properties, with 1 – 6 units, and residential use. Many, instead of following this process, look at these buildings, and property, in a similar way, they perceive, buying their personal home!

Are Your Properties Ready for Fall?

All over the country we’re ready for some climate change, you know, that normal cooling off that happens this time of year. Are your properties ready? Rentals-Rehabs-Personal?

8 Tips for Naming Your Company

What should you name your company? I get this question a lot. “I want to order business cards but first I need to come up with a name.

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