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Repossessions, What They Don’t Tell You
Have you ever thought about getting into real estate investing? People love the idea of getting rich quick. They watch the American TV shows, hear about some guru who made millions, read a book, or taken a course. A lot of people think it is easy and flawless. As a real estate broker and organizer of a Real Estate Investor’s Group in Montreal, I get a lot of phone calls from investors wanting to get into the real estate business. For a lot of these investors, their first thought of where to look are repossessions.
Tips for Buying A Luxury Investment HomeBuying a luxury home is a little different from buying the average tract house. Obviously the expense itself is a large concern, but more and more luxury buyers are using the home as an additional asset in their overall investment portfolio. In the 1950s the dream was to find a home and pay off the mortgage, now many financial advisors recommend using the mortgage as a way to not only offset income taxes but to leverage capital for other investments.
5 Indispensable Elements of a Due Diligence Checklist for Multifamily PropertiesWhen purchasing vacant or occupied multifamily housing units, every business needs to exercise “due diligence”. Real estate investment, after all, is both highly profitable and full of risks.
Buying Older UK Investment Property – Maintenance & Repair ConsiderationsThe UK has an extremely broad range of housing stock which has been built over a period of several hundred years. Whilst the dominant percentages of these houses were built during the mid nineteenth century, there are still many houses inhabited today that are older than this. The range of time these houses were built over spans a wide breadth of different architectural styles, construction methods, and materials used and also construction standards applied at that time. Therefore an understanding of some of the most common defects and likely maintenance or repairs necessary with different period housing is useful for the investor to weigh up against other factors such as premium rent garnered by the properties location or stylistic desire etc..
What Is “Like-Kind” In A 1031 Exchange?Don’t jeopardize your 1031 exchange. Understand what qualifies as “like-kind” property.